Making mini havdallah candles (for travel, gift/hospitality bakets, etc.)
I like to make little "havdallah kits" to put in gift/hospitality baskets. These are appreciated when a family is having an event with many people visiting from out of town. We put them in the hospitality baskets (left at the hotel or host families.)
The kits contain: a matchbook; a small circle of tulle, wrapped around a few cloves and bits of cinnamon sticks, tied with a ribbon, to serve as besamim (spices); and a mini havdallah candle.
I like to print address labels with "Shavua tov from xxx family", or "Thank you for helping celebrate xxx's bar mitzvah" and place them on the matchbook covers, or on top of the kit's box.
Here's how to make the mini-havdallah candles:
- Collect a bunch of chanukah candles in contrasting colors. I like to use blue and white.
- Pour boiling water into a bowl.
- Using tongs, dip two candles in the hot water, allowing the wax to soften for half a minute. Remove them quickly and twist together.
- Trim the bottom with scissors.
We also use these kits for ourselves when we travel.

5 comments, so far. Add yours now!
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What a great idea! Love the candles! I have to try that.
Brilliant! I will have to pass this idea along for our new synagogue member baskets.
this is awesome. you are so crafty!
you've shared such great ideas in the short time you've been blogging. i love the havdalah kits.
can i ask you something - do you work? i'm a bit older, and pregnant with my first. i can't decide whether i want to keep working. i want to cook and do crafty project with my kids like you!
also, your daughter hannah is stunning!
Thank you!
You are so sweet. Thank you for all of your kind words.
I'm home with the kids... I want to give your comment a complete reply, so I'm working on a blog post in response. (These next two weeks are chock-a-block with end-of-school-year activities, so please be patient with me...)
I plan to post another comment on this thread when I get that post submitted, pointing to it.
All the best,
That is BRILLIANT! Living in an apartment, we've set off the smoke alarm with our big candle - this one would be PERFECT.
As always, thanks thanks, thanks.
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