Personalized under-candle trays
We use a lot of these: One for each family member under the hanukah menorah, one for Passover (that says "Zman Cheirutainu"), some for regular shabbat candles, etc.
These also make great hostess gifts.
To make:
- Print the saying that you wish to paint on a page, in a very simple font. Larger fonts are easier to paint than smaller ones.
- Take a glass cutting board ($4 at major big-box stores) and remove the little rubber feet.
- Paint the glass cutting board with thermo-hardening porcelain paint, using the printed paper underneath the glass as a guide for letter sizing.
- Let the paint dry overnight.
- Bake the tray, according to the paint instructions (usually 300 degrees F for an hour).
- When the tray cools, add back the little rubber feet, if desired.
- Tray should now be dishwasher safe.

6 comments, so far. Add yours now!
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What a fantastic project. I think we will have to try a "group" tray for Channukah since we only light one menorah on Channukah. Thanks for sharing.
What an amazing idea! Despite my lack of craftiness, I may have to try this!
This is such a WONDERFUL idea. Our education committee at our shul is always trying to come up with new ideas for the kids - this will be perfect. THANK YOU!
That's great! I'm glad for all of the ideas for quick applications.
Even though Chanuka is far away, it is a quick and easy Summer project.
Babka Nosher,
If *I* can do it, surely anyone can. Following the paper under the clear glass is so easy, it feels like cheating.
That's fantastic!
A tray from Wal-mart would be much cheaper than the class 'Judaica' kits, and you can buy just the quantity you need.
I'd love to hear how it works out for the class.
I love this idea! And I love it for Sukkos- because it gives a somewhat sturdier base for the candles to be on outside instead of just on the flimsy outdoor table with plastic flyaway tablecovers on top :)
SO much nicer than the wax splattered tin foil on our table!
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