Shabbat Shalom!
Please note that on Friday afternoons until Saturday evening, the author of this blog is unavailable, in observance of the Jewish Sabbath.
Comments made during this time will be held in a queue, to be moderated afterward.
Thank you for your patience.

(The cake for Parshat Shemot is from a previous year.
I'm not baking this week because the family is away visiting relatives.)
Shabbat Shalom!
Comments made during this time will be held in a queue, to be moderated afterward.
Thank you for your patience.

(The cake for Parshat Shemot is from a previous year.
I'm not baking this week because the family is away visiting relatives.)
Shabbat Shalom!
Just a couple of LINKS that caught my eye:
That College Kid provides a way of making a rss feed from any website. Suggested as a way for students to keep up with their professor's sites, but would be nice for keeping up with relatives' infrequently updated sites, too.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone. Here's someone wise enough to learn from George Costanza.
I don't normally "do" resolutions, but if I did, I'd adopt Cheerful Oncologist's. He plans to raise his prices and stop prostituting his tastes.