Winners! We have winners!
In order to determine the winners of the "Can I have a Cell Phone for Hanukah" book Giveaway, I employed a Random Number Generator.
And here she is. RNG, please take a bow:Our methodology involved assigning numbers to each contestant, a bunch of ping pong balls, and a permanent marker.
I believe in the inherrent fairness of this method, as the Random Number Generator doesn't know her numbers yet. (She can count things to 5, but doesn't reliably recognize the symbols yet.)
Also, since she can't read and doesn't have e-mail, she was unswayed by any vote-tampering efforts on behalf of the potential winners.
Congratulations to the winners of the "Can I have a Cell Phone for Hanukah" book Giveaway!Thanks to everyone for entering! (I really wish I could have sent books to everyone.)

Thanks again to Sharon Estroff and Broadway Books for providing the copies of this book to give away to Juggling Frogs readers.
Happy Hanukkah!
4 comments, so far. Add yours now!
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ooh ooh! i'm so excited!!!!!! chanukah sameach to you:-)
todah! I've never won a blog giveaway before! What a lovely Chanukah present indeed.
Chag Urim Sameach!
That was so adorable !
Do you ever run out of clever ideas !
Yippe! If you drop me an email at orthonomics at gmail dot com, I can send you my address. So, so, so happy. Happy Chanukah to me.
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