Recipe for Soft Pretzels (pareve, uses bread machine)
With the dough made in the bread machine, this is a kid-friendly activity masquerading as a snack. I've adapted the recipe from the "Electric Bread; A bread machine activity book for kids"
- 1 cup water
- 3 cups all purpose flour
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2 Tablespoons (quarter stick) margarine
- 1 packet or 1/2 coffee scoop or 1 Tablespoon yeast
Egg Wash:
- 1 egg
- 2 Tablespoons white vinegar
Optional Toppings for sprinkling on top of egg wash before baking: (few Tablespoons, to taste)
- Kosher salt
- Cinnamon and sugar
- Place dough ingredients in bread machine set on "dough" setting.
- Hand out portions of dough to each child for shaping. Give each child a (optionally foil lined) ungreased baking pan. For best results, suggest that dough shapes of similar widths are grouped together on baking pans. (i.e. all the tiny, thin pretzel shapes on one pan, all the fat ones on another.) This allows for more even baking times.
- Let rise for one hour or until doubled in bulk.
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
- Just before baking, brush each pretzel gently with the egg wash, and sprinkle with the optional salt or cinnamon sugar, if desired.
- Bake until golden brown, 12-18 minutes.
- Cool for 5-10 minutes before serving.

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YUM! We haven't made pretzels for a long time.... Thanks for the reminder of this great kid-friendly baking project.
Oh...and I was at Michael's today and they had foam core board on sale so I bought 6 sheets so we can make a couple of those for R and one for A! They are excited and this week the weather is so cool that it's nice to have a project to work on with them. :-)
That's fantastic, Jeanne!
Thanks for the heads-up about the foam-core sale at Michael's. It came just in time; I was just asked (not one hour ago) to do the doll house project with a classroom full of kids!
whats a bread machine?
is it necessary for this recipe?
A bread machine is a device that will take the ingredients for making yeast breads, and will heat, mix, and knead the dough on a timed cycle.
The bread machine is NOT necessary for this recipe. To make the dough:
1. Use warm water (warm like what you'd serve to a baby - test on your wrist) dissolve the yeast in it for 10 minutes.
2. Add all the other ingredients, except the flour, to the yeasty water and mix.
3. Add the dough, and mix until it forms a dough.
4. Let it rest 10 minutes.
5. Knead the dough about 5 minutes.
6. Let the dough rise about an hour, until doubled in bulk.
7. Proceed with the instructions in the recipe, from the "hand out portions of dough" part.
The bread machine does the above steps automatically, but it is absolutely NOT necessary. In fact, if you DON'T use a bread machine, you can double or triple the recipe to make many more pretzles.
thanks. im gonna save this recipe.
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