Carnival of Overdue Thanks: First Edition, August 2008

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Gratitude has no expiration date.
Last month, I announced this new carnival, motivated by a thank you note I read that morning.
I have been overwhelmed by the quality and variety of posts - some submitted and others I've discovered - during this month. I'm not sure what I expected, but you over-delivered. Thank you.
It is an honor to present the first edition of the Carnival of Overdue Thanks.
Baila expresses her Gratitude to an entire community, in this beautiful and moving post.
Ruti Mizrachi's For Mama, a"h made me weep. It's a Jewish tradition to say "May her memory be for a blessing". Clearly, hers is. Her example is a blessing, too. I forwarded this to many people, including therapists who work with trauma patients.
Cynthia Samuels honors her heroic friend Rachel in Triumph Is Expensive saying, "Thanks to my friend whose work made a real dent in danger in the world."
Leora remembers a beautiful and enduring act of kindness in Thanks for the Beets.
Ilana-Davita thanks Mother in Israel for connecting a number of kids in Ilana's class with a professional baseball player across the world.
Ariella presents Thanks (a primer for wedding thank-you-note etiquette or "Thank you note 101" for newlyweds) and her thoughts on written thanks due after receiving a gratuity in Thanks for the tip.
Robert's moment of gratitude transformed a brief encounter with a stranger and took my breath away.
Adam Berry shares some of the teachings of interdenominational meditation teacher Sri Chinmoy. Adam's post, The unexpected power of gratitude, shows, "The power of gratitude in our daily lives" through the idea that gratitude is something that you become rather than show.
Anna Farmery submitted a memory of an outing with her father, and how he built her confidence.
Caterina Rando sent in an article where she draws a distinction between compliments and acknowledgement, and recommends adding the latter as a habit in order to attract clients, saying, "Gratitude looks good on everyone. Here are some ideas for upping our acknowledgement where we need it most."
It wasn't submitted, but Seth's Old marketing with new tools, though written for marketers, gives a few pointers for ways to personalize thank-you-notes.
Home Life Weekly offers: "I would like to give my free printable thank you cards to the world to spread the word of thanks"
(There were a surprisingly large number of submissions that were not included in this carnival because they were outright SPAM, had nothing to do with the topic of the carnival, or violated the carnival guidelines. If you submitted something and feel yours was omitted in error, please review the guidelines and let me know.)
For this carnival's submission guidelines, please see the bottom of this page.
Please submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival Overdue Thanks using our carnival submission form.

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Gratitude has no expiration date.
13 comments, so far. Add yours now!
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This is such a wonderful idea for a carnival. I look forward to reading the ones I haven't yet seen.
Great job. What a nice thing to do.
What a great idea! Would it be overkill to say thank you?
Thank you! I'm so sorry I completely forgot to send in something.... next month, b"n. After all, it's never too late...
Thanks for setting up this carnival and including my post.
What a fabulous way to start my Friday! Thank you (;)) and Shabbat Shalom!
I visited (via BoingBoing) for the clever dollhouses, which were delightful. I stay because of the life lessons you share.
Your children are incredibly fortunate to have you as their mother- not only the wonderful projects, crafts and food, but the projects you provide for the mind and the soul.
Please put me on your mailing/reminder list.
Beautiful carnival idea and execution!
By the way, I am giving you a "I Love your blog" award. Come over to my blog ..... to see. The rules of the award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated
I am NOT awarding 7, however, I think that's too many. (Though I was seven on the list of Renee, who gave me, so I wouldn't have received it if she had listed under seven... But I read a LOT fewer blogs than she does
What a beautiful, inspiring idea!
And Juggling Frogs definitely deserves our thanks for hosting and extending our posts on various forms of saying "thank you."
great post!!
I could make a list a mile long of people to whom I owe thanks (it's too embarrassing to think about!)
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