Leah (of YALDAH) is a finalist!!!
I'm so excited!
Leah Larson, the 17 yr. old founder of YALDAH Magazine, is a finalist in Wells Fargo's $100,000 "Someday Stories" contest!!

We have always known Leah is "a winner", but if/when she wins the prize, she'll be able to take YALDAH magazine, and its positive message, to the next level.
(Long time readers of this blog may remember how much my daughters and all their friends love this magazine.)
(Note: Registration requires a zip code. This is not meant to exclude those living outside the US, but rather, it is used to determine where the charitable donations (to Boys and Girls Clubs, Habitat for Humanity, or Junior Achievement) are to be distributed. If you live outside the US, you could use the zipcode for Leah's home town of Sharon, MA, which is 02067.)
More about Leah and YALDAH Magazine:
- An interview with Leah from a couple of years ago
- Spotlight from HHS' GirlsHealth.gov (What a kiddush Hashem!)
- She's an Idea Cafe Small Business Grant winner, too!
- Crown Heights Info and Chabad.org's Jewish Women you Should Know
- Jewlicious wrote about Leah in 2005!
Look for YALDAH magazine at some (not sure which) Barnes & Noble stores, or order it directly from the YALDAH website.
Subscriptions are available at amazon, too.
UPDATES: Spreading the word!
I started the "Vote for Leah" Facebook Group before discovering that there already was a group with over 80 members!. Please join either or both, and help spread the word!
Thanks, G6, for spreading the word: Support Strong Jewish Women Everywhere
Ezzie embedded the Leah's contest video submission in his post about Leah. Sephardi Lady of Orthonomics posted about it, too.
Mother in Israel shared it here. A living Nadneyda also spread the word here.
Wow! Reese on the Radio (WRKO) generously and kindly mentioned Leah and YALDAH and the contest on-air, less than 14 minutes after I clicked "send" on an e-mail to him. I'm so impressed that he can keep up with e-mail while running his live call-in program! Maybe he can share a few productivity tips!
Many thanks to Maimonides School for mentioning Leah and the contest in their newsletter.
Beyond Teshuva posted about Leah and the contest here, and Writes Like She Talks put a notice in Haveil Havalim.
A great article was posted in the October 17, 2008 issue of the Boston Herald newspaper.
9 comments, so far. Add yours now!
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Yaldah is GREAT!
My daughter loves it.
Thanks for turning me on to it.
I seldom "vote" online for things but this one is a vote for strong Jewish female role models everywhere.
I posted to my blog about it as well.
Let's hope she wins.
I have just voted; thanks for providing a zipcode.
YAY LEAH! So proud of you!
And Juggling, have a sweet, happy, healthy new year. Keep on jugglin'
Thanks everyone! Leah really needs all our help in spreading the word.
What with Shabbat and the Tishrei holidays, there are 15 fewer days in the contest period (which ends November 10, 2008) for Jewish people (the magazine's largest natural readership group) to vote and publicize Leah and YALDAH.
Wishing everyone health, happiness, peace and prosperity in the coming year!
I'm so glad to see this here. I've also been promoting Leah to win. I"YH she will, and it will be a kiddush Hashem.
I voted for someone else.
Did anybody stay up late to see the (almost) final vote count?
I'm the impatient sort (grin).....
She was up by about 4000 votes (!) just after midnight EST, with three hours left before they closed the voting at midnight PST.
They've closed the voting, set the counters back to zero, and are doing an audit (as planned) to make sure the votes are real. The winner is to be announced NEXT Monday, 11/17/08.
Thank you to everyone who helped Leah (and yes, even you, anonymous who voted for someone else - thank you for reading the blog and for participating.
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