Monday, September 29, 2008

Oven Scheduler (free download form to keep track during cooking marathons)

Here's another free download to help keep track of things when there's a lot of cooking to do.

It's an "Oven Scheduler". Print one out for the refrigerator to help prevent oven overload (and human memory overloads!)


I made this form to replace what I used to draw on my refrigerator for every pre-holiday cooking marathon, like this:


Sunday, September 28, 2008

5769/2008 Holiday menu planners

photo of the Rosh Hashanah planner in use, pasted into a Moleskine notebook [Maybe this should be filed under "better (almost) late than never..." but I've received quite a few requests for these meal planners. I'll try to get the Sukkot version uploaded shortly after Rosh Hashanah, and update the link below with it then. In the mean time, please accept my wishes for everyone to enjoy health, happiness, peace and prosperity in the coming year.]

Per request, here are my meal planners for your (free) downloading pleasure:
This is what I've printed and pasted into my planner/notebook (using 2/page to get it to fit).

Print it full size and put it on your refrigerator (or tape it inside a cabinet, if you want more privacy). If it is printed 2/page, it can fit in a classic-size Franklin Planner, with the paper cut in half.

As (I hope) you can see in the photo (from last year's version), I've highlighted the "one company meal between sleeps", and put "family only" in the guest box for the other meals.

Related posts:

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Carnival of Overdue Thanks: Second Edition, September 2008

Welcome to the second edition of
The Carnival of Overdue Thanks
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Gratitude has no expiration date.

Welcome to the September, 2008 edition of the Carnival of Overdue Thanks.

It's a relatively short edition, because the upcoming Jewish holidays are keeping many of us focused on non-blog related preparations.


Trent's Everything’s So Easy for Pauline: Thoughts on Luck, Fate, Money, and Life posted at The Simple Dollar, is overflowing with gratitude, grace, and perspective.

G6 expresses "mundane gratitude" in I'm Thankful for my Family posted at Guess Who's Coming To Dinner by letting go and supervising less. May she know many a "snowglobe shabbos" in the upcoming year.

Ruti's A Thank You, To Elie's Mom. posted at Ki Yachol Nuchal!.

Gretchen's A wedding anniversary -- a good opportunity for gratitude. posted at The Happiness Project turns a celebration into a gratitude milestone.

ProfK's On Sexual Abuse and Denial in the Community posted at Conversations in Klal at first might seem like a strange addition, but I think we all owe thanks to her family.


Donna Freedman presents Thanks, Dad, for useful life skills posted at Smart Spending, saying, "Thanks to the guy who taught how to make do, how to figure your way around a problem if you can't go through it, and, most of all, how not to give up."

Nicholas Powiull presents Conscious Flex: Life Changing Gratitude & Why it Works That Way: by Nicholas Powiull posted at Conscious Flex.

Kevin Brink presents The Lost Art of Saying Thank You posted at The Red Stapler Chronicles.


(There were a large number of submissions that were not included in this carnival because they were outright SPAM, had nothing to do with the topic of the carnival, or violated the carnival guidelines. If you submitted something and feel yours was omitted in error, please review the guidelines and let me know.)


The Carnival of Overdue Thanks
is an on-going project,
with posts due the Monday before the fourth Thursday of the month,
published on the fourth Thursday of the month.
For October's edition, the post submission deadline is Monday, October 20, 2008, to be published on Thursday, October 23, 2008.

For this carnival's submission guidelines, please see the bottom of this page.
Please submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival Overdue Thanks using our carnival submission form.
Carnival of Overdue Thanks logo
carnival home ¤ submit an article ¤ contact

Gratitude has no expiration date.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Leah (of YALDAH) is a finalist!!!

I'm so excited!

Leah Larson, the 17 yr. old founder of YALDAH Magazine, is a finalist in Wells Fargo's $100,000 "Someday Stories" contest!!

She has already received $10,000, and is now ONE OF FIVE finalists (chosen from over 10,000 entries!!) for the $100,000 for YALDAH magazine!

Her mother, Evelyn Krieger (who speaks in the contest video), had to submit the application because she's only 17. She started the magazine just after her bat mitzvah.

Leah Larson, founder of YALDAH Magazine

We have always known Leah is "a winner", but if/when she wins the prize, she'll be able to take YALDAH magazine, and its positive message, to the next level.

(Long time readers of this blog may remember how much my daughters and all their friends love this magazine.)

Please, please, please, VOTE for Leah/Evelyn and YALDAH Magazine!!

(Note: Registration requires a zip code. This is not meant to exclude those living outside the US, but rather, it is used to determine where the charitable donations (to Boys and Girls Clubs, Habitat for Humanity, or Junior Achievement) are to be distributed. If you live outside the US, you could use the zipcode for Leah's home town of Sharon, MA, which is 02067.)

More about Leah and YALDAH Magazine:

Look for YALDAH magazine at some (not sure which) Barnes & Noble stores, or order it directly from the YALDAH website.

Subscriptions are available at amazon, too.


UPDATES: Spreading the word!

I started the "Vote for Leah" Facebook Group before discovering that there already was a group with over 80 members!. Please join either or both, and help spread the word!

Thanks, G6, for spreading the word: Support Strong Jewish Women Everywhere

CrunchyGranolaMom has two daughters who have contributed to the magazine, both with content and on the editorial board.

Ezzie embedded the Leah's contest video submission in his post about Leah. Sephardi Lady of Orthonomics posted about it, too.

Mother in Israel shared it here. A living Nadneyda also spread the word here.

Wow! Reese on the Radio (WRKO) generously and kindly mentioned Leah and YALDAH and the contest on-air, less than 14 minutes after I clicked "send" on an e-mail to him. I'm so impressed that he can keep up with e-mail while running his live call-in program! Maybe he can share a few productivity tips!

Many thanks to Maimonides School for mentioning Leah and the contest in their newsletter.

Beyond Teshuva posted about Leah and the contest here, and Writes Like She Talks put a notice in Haveil Havalim.

A great article was posted in the October 17, 2008 issue of the Boston Herald newspaper.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cookie Cutter Tutorial translated to Spanish

My tutorial, "Make your own cookie cutter from clip art and a foil pan" gets a lot of international interest, and continues to receive feedback in many languages.

Thus, I was delighted to find this detailed post in Spanish, with pictures that recreates and explains the method for a Spanish-speaking audience.

I was tickled to recognize my own thumb in one of the pictures (7th one down). I think that picture got mixed in with her own child's photos. Hey, even though I can't go on vacation to visit, at least my thumb did.

Great work, Cooke Mila!

P.S. Thanks to Chava for encouraging (okay, insisting) I submit Juggling Frogs to MarthaBlog be reviewed. I followed your instructions! I bet she'll come up with a fantastic list of new blogs for all of us to discover.