Friday, July 11, 2008

Shabbat Shalom!

Please note that on Friday afternoons until Saturday evening, the author of this blog is unavailable, in observance of the Jewish Sabbath.

Comments made during this time will be held in a queue, to be moderated afterward.

Thank you for your patience.

(Baking is an extra credit project this week, because our kitchen is topsy-turvy with construction/repairs.

Everything has been remvoed from sink cabinets and from off the counters, and we have been without running water or functioning sink drains in the kitchen for a week - with at least another week predicted.

All drinking and cooking water is coming from little bottles and washing water is from an outdoor sink hooked up to a garden hose!

It feels like Pesach sans the aluminum foil and the fixed schedule.

Let's just say that we're very thirsty for this project to be OVER.)

Shabbat Shalom!