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This cake for parshat Vayigash depicts Joseph's servant on his way to bring gifts for Joseph's father Yaakov, traveling from Egypt in a Pharoh's chariot, after the brothers have been reunited.
We're having a minimalist, from-the-freezer, snowed-in, guest-less, cocooning shabbat this week with challot from the freezer and just one cake.
Shabbat Shalom!
LINKS that made me smile
"To the person who broke into my car last night." What a great attitude! You deserve to enjoy your new toys, Epes.
Nerd sniping is a dangerous trend that threatens to harm our family and many of our friends. Stop it now.
I wish this video were slower, so I could figure out the steps to make this origami toy.
The public needs to be made aware of this egregious example of the politics of personal destruction and this important public service announcement (via Neatorama)
The glowing reviews of these onion goggles intrigue me. The problem is, I wear strong prescription glasses. I wonder if I could rig up something made of foam to fit around my glasses, that would work in the same way?
Thanks to WiseBread, I have that song from 1776 stuck in my head..."To the right, ever to the right; Never to the left, forever to the right ..." but I forgive them, because I've bookmarked their cell phone signal boosting hacks list, which touts a method that might justify the existence of my twist-tie stockpile. (While this artistic prodigy's latest work justifies hoarding all those little ketchup packets.)
Jessica Hagy's Indexed is like peeking into the contents of a great idea index!
I find it hard to tell friend from foe in the Kipple Wars. My problem is Kipple disguised as non-Kipple, and vice-versa.
Brian Clark asserts that all bloggers have muses. Hmmm. Here's mine.
I've printed a copy of Furoshiki - Japanese fabric package/gift wrapping techniques to study.
Are you an over-buyer or an under-buyer? from The Happiness Project .
I may be susceptible to this virus. Must. Be. Careful.
There's a video going around of a masked "superhero" in New York, defending someone from a group of attackers. Here's another hero, sans mask.
RWAC says his cute Mad Libs Eulogy is in bad taste, but I disagree. I know he meant it in jest, but in the throes of grief, having any starting point, especially one as non-threatening as this, could be helpful. Humor is an emotional tool in stressful situations.
Delivering a eulogy combines public speaking and death. What could be more stressful? (Please don't answer that. Let's all think happy thoughts, and have good news to share. Amen.)
On a more serious note, consider this a gentle nudge to discuss and record your life-end preferences with loved ones, today. May you live long and prosper** to 120.
Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks' weekly "Torah Thoughts" are reliably eloquent and consistently excellent. Here's his dvar torah for Parshat Vayigash from last year.
Shabbat Shalom!
** Since on their wedding day, a Jewish bride and groom's prayers get Priority Shipping* to Heaven, it is customary for the couple to bless the wedding guests.
Composing a meaningful personalized blessing for each guest in the midst of all that nuptial hubbub (on an empty stomach) is challenging, particularly if you've never met the person!
On my wedding day, when confronted with the need to bless countless newly-introduced spouses-of-colleagues-of-in-laws with unspecified religious preferences and family situations, all I could think was, "I didn't know there was going to be a diplomacy quiz!"
Whenever stymied for an appropriate blessing, I fell back on "live long and prosper" from Star Trek. Thank you, Mr. Spock.
(* It is said that G-d forgives the bride and groom on their wedding day, purifying the couple as though through a private Yom Kippur.)
Onion glasses ?! Yes you definitely should be intrigued.
ReplyDeleteLast year, I had to buy a set of lab-goggles from Uvex which could be worn entirely over everyday glasses ($15).
What a great blog! I will place a link from mine to yours since it is kosher. :)
ReplyDeleteHope you had a shabbat shalom!
wow great links!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading your roundups.
ReplyDeleteWanted to say thank you for the book (and gift). It arrived just about 15 minutes after candlelighting.
ReplyDeleteI love the cake. Do you recommend the Wilton Cake Course? I've thought about taking it.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a definite option.
Do you wear glasses with them? Are they comfortable? I wonder how much the Rx insert costs?
Are they air-tight? They'd need to be for onion peeling purposes.
Thank you, and welcome. I certainly hope it's kosher, otherwise I couldn't use it, either!
Thanks for the link, too!
Miriam and Jack,
Sephardi Lady,
Almost 16 years ago, my friend and I both had our first babies within a couple of months of one another. We used the same pediatrician, who 'prescribed' to both of us that we do something outside the house when our babies turned two months old.
She delegated this to her husband, but I took the advice to heart. Thus, her husband and I took the first/basic Wilton course together.
There were four weekly sessions and it cost $100, including the decorating materials. It was offered at the local craft store, and came with a 20%-off discount for Wilton items purchased during the duration of the course.
I learned a lot, and have reaped the rewards (in the form of a lifetime of $3 birthday cakes and a bunch of fun) ever after.
It was enough for me to learn how to hold a pastry bag, the fact that most cake decorators use cake from a mix (!!), to learn how to make a rose (takes practice, I rarely bother now that I've discovered drop flower tips).
If you're not yet proficient in using a pastry bag, it can be helpful to have a live demonstration, and observation of and by an expert.
That class wasn't enough for my friend's husband, however. He went on and took multiple classes, and eventually spent some time as a professional pastry chef! (He was in school at the time, and gave up his chef's hat when he finished his Ph.D.)
Furoshiki - In my experience, people are usually wowed when a gift comes wrapped in fabric. It works great for odd shaped packages. (Better than a gift back, but still has a "handle.")
ReplyDeleteFun to do, it just takes a bit of tugging/fussing with the fabric to make it look nice. Some fabrics are better loose, some starched.. you will get the feel for it after a couple.