Sunday, August 26, 2007

Yom Tov cooking strategy: Bake kugels in muffin tins

One entertaining strategy that helps me manage the holiday cooking season is to cook kugels in muffin tins. (I call them "Kugelettes".)
This allows the unused portion to be served as "new and unopened" at a subsequent meal. They can be frozen and defrosted in portions as needed.

If there are just a few types of various kugels left, they can be served together on a tray as a kugel assortment.

(Shown above: Noodle Kugelettes made in a regular cupcake pan (upper left) and Challah Kugelettes made in a mini-bundt pan, displayed on the beautiful and original fish plate that my sister made for us (foreground, lower right). )


  1. What's a challah kugel? Recipe, please! :)

  2. Can you post the receipe for the challah kugelettes? Looks great.

  3. Hi I just found your blog but I am admirer of the actual you from way back.

    I have been doing this muffin tin thing for awhile but I am trying to work out how to change the cooking times--do you reduce it? If so, how much?


  4. Jack,

    So, nu? What are your plans for yom-tov? Bring the family and we'll be sure to serve kugelettes!

    Anonymous and Sephardilady,

    There are scads of challah kugel recipes "out there", but the ones in this picture were a complete last-hour-before-shabbat kludge.

    They came out nicely, though. (The guests enjoyed them and gobbled them up, obviating the need for freezer saving strategies...)

    I mixed my regular noodle kugel liquid (hot water, margarine, sugars, salt, pepper, eggs)for the noodle kugelettes, but there was too much liquid for the noodles.

    After pouring all that was needed of the liquid in the cupcake tins with the noodles, I was left with almost two cups of the liquid.

    Since I'm allergic to wasting food, I grabbed a lump of stale (not moldy) challah from the previous week, and ground it up in the food processor.

    I filled the greased muffin tins about half to two-thirds with the breadcrumbs, and proceeded as though the bread crumbs were noodles, using up the leftover liquid.

    So, it's not exactly a recipe. But, I'd expect you couldn't go too wrong with substituting breadcrumbs for noodles (by volume, not weight) in this noodle kugel recipe.

    Alternatively, I've made some yummy challah kugels from both the "Spice and Spirit of Kosher/Jewish Cooking" and Susie Fishbeim (I II or III, I can't remember off-hand - think she calls it "challah souffle") cookbooks.


    Thank you! I'm intrigued as to which Real Life Ruth you are!

    When a regular kugel recipe calls for 350 degrees F for an hour, I check the kugelettes at 20 and 30 minutes.

    The noodle kugelettes in this picture cooked for about 40 minutes, while the original recipe called for 1 -1.5 hours.

    Luckily, most kugel recipes are pretty hearty. I guess they have to be, since they're designed to be heated and reheated on a blech.

    All the best,


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