Sunday, August 5, 2007

Modeh Ani

Every dawn is a new beginning.

Our challenge is to accept this gift with gratitude and courage.

Sunrise, August 5, 2007

(I didn't realize I caught both the sun and the moon until I uploaded the picture.
We often don't appreciate transitions until we reflect upon them.)

Dawn view of Cambridge, Massachusetts from my bedroom porch, August 5, 2007


  1. I love that the sun and moon are both showing. It's really hard to get shots of the moon that are that nice, without a me I've tried. Thanks so much for the mazal tov on my blog. This is, I believe the first time I've come across your blog, but I like it a lot...especially the doll house instructions! I'm adding you to my blogroll so I can keep checking in.

  2. Sara with no H,

    Thank you! I snapped a bunch of pictures of the sunrise yesterday, just to get the color of the sky.

    When I uploaded them, I noticed the moon. I have the whole series of the moon, appearing to rise with the sun and the disappear behind clouds.

    I had no idea it was even visible when I was taking the pictures, because it was too close to the sun for me to see -- and because I was so busy fiddling with the camera, that I was preoccupied with the little lcd screen.

    There's a lesson in there somewhere: I was too busy documenting the sunrise to really see it in person! At least I had the chance to see it in retrospect.

    Your new daughter is so beautiful. I hope you only know joy from her, and that you're getting a chance to catch some sleep here and there...

  3. Great shots, you should submit them to the J-Pix Carnival.


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