Sunday, July 8, 2007

12 reasons I haven't commented on your blog

I loved your blog post and was about to submit my clever and insightful comments, when....

12. I was reading your blog in the library. One of the 37 other open windows finished loading and started blasting an ice cream truck MP3 tune, but I didn't know which window it was. I started closing windows frantically, but the sound wouldn't stop. Before I could hit mute, the librarian asked me to leave.

11. When I read it, I immediately printed it out, bookmarked it, and e-mailed it to my parents and best friend. When I returned to thank you, there were 234 comments thanking you already.

10. I registered to comment on your forum, but by the time the "activation" e-mail arrived, I forgot what I was going to say.

9. I recently read a related post in another blog. I started surfing to find the link to share, and then it was dinnertime.

8. I loved your blog so much I decided to subscribe to it. I entered my RSS reader to enter your blog's URL The next thing I knew it was tomorrow morning.

7. I had a long reply drafted. I pasted it into my word processor to edit and spell-check it. When I tried to paste it into the comment form, my computer crashed. I plan to rewrite my words of wisdom, just as soon as I get off holding the line from Bangalore.

6. Your post made me think. I turned off the computer to compose a worthy response. When I was ready to comment, I forgot the name of your blog.

5. I tried to post a quick and polite reply, but half a minute later, when I entered the comment form, there were 43 new comments, posted by two people engaging in a name-calling all-out flame war. I didn't want to interrupt them.

4. I found your cute and astute post via a link from a friend's blog. I wanted to tell you how much I liked your blog, your positive attitude, and your voice. Before commenting, I went to check out the rest of your blog. Your previous posts were misspelled, misanthropic, and mean spirited. Confused, I went back to the cute post, and realized it was laden with sarcasm. I logged off the computer to cry. I hope you're satisfied.

3. Your seventeen paragraph comment policy sent me looking up terms in a legal dictionary. I got distracted searching on-line for the case law precedents.

2. I'm working on a blog post of my own in response to it.

1. It's on my list. I hope to get to it tomorrow!


  1. {smacks forehead} Oy, Batya! You rate a 13th excuse: I thought I was all caught up with your blog!

  2. Hi Juggling Frog,

    I found your blog from Frumhouse's link. Nice post, its reminds me of when I was just starting to post comments. I made alot of those boo-boos lol (still do!)

  3. Miriam and Icecold1967,

    Welcome! I'm glad you stopped by.

    I just discovered #14 this morning. I *thought* I posted a comment last week in reply to SephardiLady's blog.

    I kept checking the post, wondering why she didn't approve my comment.

    I started to wonder if I had said something bad, whether I had some misfortune typo that insulted someone....

    Yesterday afternoon, I rewrote it and resubmitted it. Many other comments showed up on that post, but not mine. I know this, because I have been obsessively refreshing the comments page.

    Battling paranoia, this morning I tried a third time. The comment went through immediately. She wasn't moderating my comment away; I was just mistyping the verification word so my initial two never made it through!

    {smacks forehead} I'm such a newbie!

  4. 15. i was going to leave a comment on your blog but i like to follow up on the comments to my comments, and somehow even though i'm tech savvy, i can never figure out how to do it (even with those neat backtrack thigamajogs).

    great post!!!

  5. I like this blog. No excuses, I'm commenting.

  6. Great list! Thanks for the laugh this morning. Some of those are all too true in this age of mega-blogging.

  7. OK I loved that list. Thank you for the giggles.

  8. This must be why I have no comments on my blog. I feel better, I was beginning to think I had no readers.

  9. This is hysterical!

    Shabbat Shalom!

    The Egel Nest

  10. Well, this is one post that begs to be commented on, so here...

  11. Hey, I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog!…..I”ll be checking in on a regularly now….Keep up the good work! :)


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