Friday, June 29, 2007

Three things I want my kids to refrain from saying on our upcoming road trip

Emily's hand holding up three fingers
  1. "Are we there yet?"
  2. "Mommy! She's looking out MY window!"
  3. "I forgot to pack underwear."

(This is my submission in the MamaBlogga 3 things group writing project. and in Daily Blog Tips' group writing project, too.)


  1. Hilarious!

    Thanks for participating!

  2. So short and yet, so effective.

  3. Yikes! Especially the underwear bit.

    On that note, we've been known to rush to Walmart on a vacation because somebody forgot to pack [you fill in the blank, we've done it].

  4. I laughed out loud at the "looking out my window" and remembered the days of family vacations fighting with my brother in the backseat. "Mom! He's on MY side again!"

  5. I love it!! We have a road trip coming up, too. I will have to share this with my family as well.

  6. hmmm, how about...."I forgot my toothbrush." Or better yet, "I have to pee."

  7. Ah, yes. Family vacations. Why my parents thought it was a good idea to travel the country in a VW Bug, I'll never know. My brother and I had the "invisible line" separating the backseat and woe to the person who crossed it! :)

  8. LOL! I love this.
    I could add:
    "She's touching me!"
    "She won't share that toy!"
    "I need to go pee-pee again!"
    :) Smiles!

  9. Love it! and I love that you have that picture to go with it.

  10. I think everytime we go on a trip number 1 is uttered at some point in time (usually way too many times).

    Funny list.

  11. Nice post, kind of drawn out though. Really good subject matter though.


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